
Now Accepting Applications

We are now accepting applications for Board of Directors positions. Please read the full Board job description and the information provided below for more details before applying. Applications are due by August 23, 2024.

2024 Board Meeting Dates

  • February 3, 2024 (Austin)
  • April 27, 2024 (Houston)
  • July 27, 2024 (virtual)
  • September 28, 2024 (Austin)

Public Comment at Quarterly Board Meetings

The public is invited to provide comments during a specific time frame during each quarterly Board meeting. If you would like to provide public comment in person or via Zoom at one of the upcoming meetings, please complete our Board Meeting Public Comment Sign Up Form (en español) at least 3 days prior to the meeting. You can also use the form to provide public comment in writing.

About the DRTx Board of Directors

Members of the Board reflect the diverse constituency served by the agency. We are mandated by federal acts to serve individuals with developmental, mental, sensory, physical and other disabilities. Persons with disabilities, family members and professionals are all represented on the Board. DRTx is also committed to selecting members representative of Texas’ diverse ethnic and cultural communities and makes every effort to ensure the Board reflects different geographic areas of the state.

The agency’s formal bylaws cover the make-up, duties, powers, terms of office and other details concerning our Board. The Board establishes the duties, powers and terms of office for other positions. The following is a less formal summary of information that is intended to answer frequently asked questions.

  1. How many people serve on the Board of Directors? Typically, sixteen (16) people serve on the Board.
  2. Who selects members of the Board? Fifteen members are selected by the DRTx Board and one is the chairperson of the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) Council.
  3. How long are the terms of each appointment? Terms of service are staggered and may vary in length. Most terms are three (3) years with an option for a second three-year term. Occasionally there is a three-year term with the option of a second two-year term, or a four-year term with no second term option.
  4. How many Board meetings are held each year, and where are they held? Four (4) meetings are held each year. Generally, three (3) meetings are held in Austin and one (1) is held in a different area of the state to be more accessible to our constituents.
  5. How long are the meetings and what other time obligations are there? Regular Board meetings are usually held on the fourth Saturday in January, April, July and September. Committees of the Board usually meet by teleconference. Board members usually serve on at least two committees of the Board. Committees include: Finance, Personnel, Resource Development, Strategic Planning, Bylaws and Policies, Labor Negotiations, Client Grievance, Nominations, and Executive.
  6. What about expenses for Board members? All travel and room and board expenses connected with the Board meetings are paid by DRTx. Travel advances are available if needed. The agency also covers reasonable accommodations for Board members with disabilities. Members are not paid an honorarium for their services.
  7. What about conflicts of interests? Some Board members may have an economic or loyalty conflict, and of course, must abstain from voting or deliberating in any action involving whatever causes the conflict.  The Board’s conflict of interest policy should be thoughtfully reviewed by all applicants.
  8. How do I apply for a position on the Board? Submit your completed DRTx Board Member Application by August 23, 2024. 
  9. What kind of monetary contribution is asked of Board members each year? We recognize that our Board members represent all segments of society and that some individuals are able to contribute financially more than others. We simply ask that you determine your appropriate contribution to Disability Rights Texas to help sustain our programs and services. Examples may include seeking financial support for the agency from friends, family, colleagues, businesses, personal giving, in-kind contributions, and other activities as is appropriate to your individual circumstances.
  10. Where can I get more information? Please see the DRTx Board of Directors Job Description or email Shirley DeBerry at sdeberry@drtx.org for additional information.